From daredevil manoeuvres, to seamanship skills in choppy seas, we take a look at some of the most amazing and sometimes downright frightening boating videos.

It can be a tough life at see for sailors, yachtsmen and racers. From gales to choppy seas, life on a boat can be very challenging and dangerous at times.

Sometimes these incredible moments of man versus nature are caught on camera, and we’d like to showcase some of the most amazing and sometimes silly ones.

We would also like to hear from you, so if you have a great video or image you’d like to share with us, get in touch!

The Bornholm Harbour

To kick things off, we present this video of a boat in Bornholm making one of the most jaw-dropping harbour entries we’ve ever seen.

The person who uploaded this to YouTube gives the following description: “A Polish sail-boat reach Svaneke harbour, Bornholm after 26 hours sail-trip from Gdynia, Poland.

“Wind is 22m/s and out of the nine people on-board only one has experience.”

We don’t know why it was necessary for the captain to bring the boat in during such dangerous conditions, and on social media opinion is divided as to whether they are a fool or a hero, but the skill and seamanship that’s displayed is incredible.

If you have a similarly hair-raising clip to share, or something more gentle that demonstrates the extraordinary side of sailing life, do get in touch via Facebook, Twitter or our forum.

We’d love to share the best of them with readers.

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