Followtheboat: Top 10 sailing tools every cruising boat needs
When you've been living on a boat for 13 years, you tend to build up a vast amount of sailing tools
In the first of our real-time sailing updates from lockdown in Borneo we answer viewers’ questions and try to restrict our top tools to 10. As you’ll discover, it wasn’t that easy.
And we’re just talking basic toolbox here, not all the specialised equipment needed to repair and maintain the sails, rigging, deck, hull etc.
We also answer questions about the future. Yes, that’s right we really do have a crystal ball! But seriously, the short, medium and long-term scenarios for all cruisers is a big topic of discussion among the community.
Border closures, quarantine and restricted movement in most nations’ territorial waters make it difficult for any of us to go anywhere. At the moment, we’re OK in friendly Malaysia, but what will happen in six months time?
If you have a question you would like us to discuss on camera, comment on the YouTube video above and we will add it to the list.