Work progressing on the Elland Bridge
The Elland Bridge, which was damaged during the 2015 Boxing Day floods in West Yorkshire, is being rebuilt with original features. The canal through Elland has now reopened.
Fobney Lock reopens following removal of sunken narrowboat
The Canal and River Trust says Fobney Lock on the Kennet and Avon Canal has now reopened. It has been closed since 9 August after a narrowboat sank.
Protest over “attack” on barge travellers without permanent moorings
Members of the National Bargee Travellers Association are marching in London on 16 April over a clamp down on boat dwellers without permanent moorings.
Police confirm body in the River Trent is that of Josh Cotton
Leicestershire Police say the body recovered on 5 April has been formally identified as that of 22-year-old, Josh Cotton. His death is not being treated as suspicious.
Narrow boat owner who lost everything in fire gets helping hand
A mechanic whose uninsured boat was destroyed by fire has been buoyed by generous donations from his local narrow boat community.
Sunk narrowboat owner overwhelmed by donations
One of two narrowboats that were swept off their moorings on Monday and smashed into Oxford's Botley Bridge has sunk, taking with it the "entire life" of its owner.