Feline brothers, Bolt and Keel were found abandoned behind a rubbish bin. Now they have a life of adventure which includes sailing. Watch the fun they have!


The two cats were found by their owners, Kayleen and Danielle in July 2015 and were christened Bolt and Keel.

Since then, the feline duo have embraced sailing, kayaking and hiking and are always looking for new adventures.

Cats Bolt and Keel sailing

On their first sailing adventure. Credit Bolt and Keel/Facebook

The pair have their own social media following and according to their website, have “quickly won their way into the human’s hearts”.

“We were found abandoned in a bush behind the garbage bin of a local park. The plan was to take us to the local shelter, but it wasn’t open after work,” explains the Bolt and Keel website.

Cats Bolt and Keel sailing

A young Bolt helps with passage planning. Credit: Bolt and Keel/Facebook

“The next day the humans left on a two day canoeing, hiking, and camping trip and didn’t know what to do with the us, so of course decided to bring us along on the adventure too!” continues the website.

Cats Bolt and Keel Sailing

Keel on board. Credit: Bolt and Keel/Facebook

This has included going on sailing expeditions, where the boat “provided endless cupboards to hide in and a whole deck to explore”.

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The fury duo even have their own life jackets.

Cats Bolt and Keel Sailing

Bolt on another sailing adventure. Credit: Bolt and Keel/Facebook

Among Bolt’s favourite activities are kayaking, swimming, cuddling and being carried.

Meanwhile Keel likes biting noses, back scratches, climbing things and hiking.

However, both of them agree on their life goal  – to be on the Ellen Show!