Ray Bradman and his dog Badger were recently out for their daily walk along Woodside Bay on the Isle of Wight, when Badger sped off towards the sea for some playing and splashing. Shortly afterwards, Badger came bounding back with an IC-M33 he'd found in the surf. When Ray eventually prised the radio off Badger, he found that it was still working perfectly, even though it had been submerged for some considerable time!

Ray Bradman and his dog Badger were recently out for their daily walk along Woodside Bay on the Isle of Wight, when Badger sped off towards the sea for some playing and splashing. Shortly afterwards, Badger came bounding back with an IC-M33 he’d found in the surf. When Ray eventually prised the radio off Badger, he found that it was still working perfectly, even though it had been submerged for some considerable time!

Badger’s owner Ray commented, “It was only because I’d forgotten Badger’s ball, that he quickly found a substitute; the IC-M33. I think it was still receiving, which might be why Badger was drawn towards it.”

ICOM UK made numerous attempts to trace the owner of the radio to reunite them, but was unsuccessful.

ICOM UK has donated £200 to Caroline Bennett at the Canterbury branch of the Dogs Trust, in honour of Badger’s perceptive qualities.

The Dogs Trust is the UK’s largest dog welfare charity, and is dedicated to ensuring the welfare of dogs everywhere. Through its network of 17 Rehoming Centres across the UK, the charity cares for over 16,000 stray, unwanted and abandoned dogs each year.
br />As suggested by its famous slogan, “A Dog is for Life, Not Just for Christmas,” the Dogs Trust is dedicated to promoting the message of responsible dog ownership. The charity invests in campaigns to reduce the number of stray, unwanted and abandoned dogs by promoting neutering, micro-chipping, and they also invest in education programmes to reach the dog owners of tomorrow.

Dogs Trust has a non-destruction policy, and will never put a healthy dog to sleep. The charity is working towards the day when all dogs can enjoy a happy life, free from the threat of unnecessary destruction.

Chief Executive of Dogs Trust Clarissa Baldwin OBE comments, “We are thrilled that ICOM have selected Dogs Trust to receive this special donation. Dogs have many wonderful qualities, this is a new one for us and we’re delighted that ICOM have recognised Badger’s special talents. Dogs Trust cares for 16,000 stray or abandoned dogs a year, and never puts a healthy dog down, so this will help us in caring for our dogs until they can find the loving homes they deserve.”