Icom support Ramsgate Week
Icom will be providing radio communications to the Royal Temple Yacht Club (RTYC) in Ramsgate for their annual regatta. The Ramsgate Week regatta has been a feature of the town's calendar for 110 years and attracts sailors from all over the world.
Icom UK will be loaning the organisers 6 IC-M31 Marine Handheld VHF Transceivers to help with the communications between land and water. Race management team, race control and committee boats will use the marine handhelds to oversee the event and to ensure any emergencies are dealt with quickly. Estelle Deerenberg, Marketing Executive of RTYC said, “The radios will help us to be more responsive to any emergencies and overall to improve the management of the week.
She went on to say “Icom has been extremely responsive to our request as we made contact in 2007. We were let down by our previous supporter just before Ramsgate Week 2007 and needed help. ICOM is a very well known and successful provider of marine radios and luckily based in Herne Bay which is a mere 20 min. from the yacht club. We are extremely grateful for Icom’s support and look forward to a long and lasting relationship with them as our communications supplier”.
About Ramsgate Week
The Royal Temple Yacht Club was founded in 1857 by a group of yachtsmen sailing from the Temple Steps, on the river Thames in the centre of London. The club launched an annual Ramsgate Week regatta in 1898. It changed name a few times along the way. It attracts many sailors from the UK, especially East Coast and international sailors from the Netherlands, Belgium and France.The have had competitors from as far away as Estonia and Japan. Ramsgate town is home to the only Royal Harbour in the country and has a wealth of restaurants, cafes and pubs. For more info visit www.rtyc.com/ramsgateweek.htm