NEW Marine Safety Gear for 2022
New marine safety devices, electronics and wearable safety gear At this years METS trade show we picked out some of the best new marine safety gear to show you, available in 2022. ACR Personal locator beacon (PLB) RLS (rescue link service) This DAME award winning RLS Beacon is the first…
Anchoring: Tips and Tricks
Anchoring can be daunting, but once achieved can make for some of the most relaxing trips on board. Read our simple guide to anchoring for some useful tips
Inland cruising tips: Exploring the UK and Europe’s canals
Inland cruising offers a beautiful and peaceful alternative to coastal cruising
Tips for crossing the English Channel
Is there any better feeling than crossing the English Channel in your own boat? Read our guide to crossing the Channel in your own boat below
VHF channel numbers to contact UK Coastguard change on 6 September
From 6 September 2017, the VHF channel numbers to contact the UK Coastguard for maritime safety information and radio medical advice will be changing
Video: Float if you find yourself in trouble in UK waters says RNLI
Last year, 162 people died after getting into difficulties around the UK coast. The RNLI is urging everyone to remember to float if they find themselves in trouble in cold water
New safety campaign to target human error on ships
The Port of London Authority has unveiled its latest safety campaign - targeting human error - which has been linked to at least 40% of accidents on the river Thames in the last two years
Pictures: The Coastguard Team may be small but it has a big message
Affectionately known as the 'wee guys', the LEGO Coastguard Team is now spreading the coastal safety message across social media.
Video: BottleBuoy flotation device wins award
Watch a test of the BottleBuoy rescue device, which has just won one of the first ever H.E.R.O. awards from the International Maritime Rescue Federation (IMRF).
Pets on board: sailing with your furry friends
Who wouldn’t want their furry friend on their nautical travels? Make sure you comply with the regulations when taking pets on board before you leave
UK Coastguard urges parents to look after their children
The Maritime and Coastguard Agency has issued a safety plea after nine children were reported missing at UK beaches in just one day.
Warnings of unlicensed medicines inside imported life rafts
The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency is warning that imported life rafts may contain unlicensed medicines.
Warnings of counterfeit Admiralty charts
The United Kingdom Hydrographic Office (UKHO) has issued a reminder to mariners of the dangers posed by counterfeit Admiralty products.
Recall on Kannad SAFELINK EPIRBs
Kannad Marine has instigated a global recall programme following issues with the company's SAFELINK Manual and Auto GPS EPIRBs.
Children forced to jump to safety in Abingdon Marina blaze
Five children and two adults were forced to jump into the River Thames during a boat fire in Abingdon Marina, Oxfordshire.
Boat safety checks
Kitting your boat out with the full safety rig isn't cheap, but for the peace of mind that you and your family are safe at sea, it’s worth every penny
Rules and regulations for cruising abroad
You’re ready to slip the lines, the engine’s ticking, lifejackets are on, and breakables are stowed, but are you really prepared for cruising abroad?
Navigation: essential buoys and marks
A guide to the navigation aids we really need to know and what their chart symbols look like on the water
Putting boat safety first
We outline the kit you should carry and the safety measures you should take to ensure you can cruise without concern