Royal Naval Sailing Association trials new buoy in Portsmouth Harbour
The Mara Buoy has been created for yachts and small commercial craft.
The Royal Naval Sailing Association (RNSA) is trialing the first Mara Buoy at one of its 300 moorings in Portsmouth Harbour. George Smith of Mara Engineering for the Sea (Mara EFS) has developed the Mara Buoy, an innovative new mooring buoy for yachts and small commercial vessels, which is now on test with the RNSA.
The design of the new mooring buoy has a number of features, which claims to revolutionise current mooring systems. The product’s improvement, according to the manufacturer are: longevity, safety, ease of use, reliability, maintenance and night-time visibility. It can be personalised with the yacht name, logo or artwork. The mooring line pick up point is at deck level and the mooring line ‘gives’ upon pick up allowing the deckhand time to make fast. The Mara Buoy features a galvanised steel backbone through which the mooring force is transmitted from the mooring line to the mooring chain. The mooring line runs over radiused surfaces, which reduces chaff. An underwater swivel is eliminated by allowing the line to swivel inside the galvanised steel backbone. To make maintenance easier, inspection of the mooring line and swivel are carried out through a window in the backbone. Underwater connection is by way of a shackle to the mooring chain, which gives a simple, strong connection and peace of mind. Reflective surfaces have been added to help improve night-time visibility and close quarters navigation.