The White Air extreme sports festival kicked off today on the Isle of Wight

The White Air extreme sports festival kicked off today on the Isle of Wight. Now in its ninth year, the four-day event traditionally attracts some of the best windsurfers and kitesurfers in the world and this year the water based side of the competition also features Thundercats, Surf Kayak Racing and Jet Ski Freestyle.

The windsurfing wavesailing competition began today and the biggest names in UK windsurfing took to the water this morning from to Compton beach on the South side of the island. Wavesailing involves jumping and looping off the back of the waves and with such pros taking part, things should get interesting as the competition hots up.

Due to the light conditions they may have run today’s sailing as a fun session rather than the actual competition but at the time of writing this report, no information was available.

Stay tuned to for more reports live from the action as the weekend develops.