The RNLI and the Coastguard went to the aid of the solo skipper after his yacht was dismasted in a collision with a container ship off Ramsgate.

A solo yachtsman, who was left dismasted after a collision with a container ship, had to be towed into Ramsgate by the RNLI.

The collision happened around 24 miles off the Kent coast.

The skipper was reduced to using a hand held radio to call for help as a result of the dismasting.

Luckily, a nearby vessel went to his aid and relayed the casualty’s VHF transmissions to the UK Coastguard.

The Coastguard search and rescue helicopter from Lydd was scrambled, as well as the volunteer crew of the Ramsgate RNLI all weather lifeboat.

The call came through at just before 8am on the 13 November, 2016.

The helicopter crew arrived on the scene first, taking over communications between the skipper, UK Coastguard and the lifeboat crew.

Once alongside the stricken yacht, the RNLI crew confirmed that the vessel was not taking on any water.

It was decided to tow the vessel to the safety of Ramsgate Harbour.

A line and a hand held VHF radio were passed to the yacht’s skipper, who wished to remain aboard.

The yacht was then towed safely onto a berth in Ramsgate Harbour where it arrived shortly before 2pm.