The Marine Accident Investigation Branch (MAIB) has started an investigation into the death of fisherman Mark Elder, who died after falling into the water at Cape Wrath, Scotland

The Marine Accident Investigation Branch (MAIB) has begun an investigation into the death of a fisherman.

Mark Elder, 26, was working on fishing boat North Star, off the north coast of Scotland, when he fell into the water on Monday (5 February).

His crewmates managed to pull him back onto the boat, but couldn’t revive him.

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They sent a distress call to the Coastguard who scrambled a search and rescue helicopter to the scene of the accident. However due to the rough weather conditions and choppy seas, Elder could not be winched into the helicopter.

Fishing boat North Star headed immediately to Scrabster Harbour where it arrived at 3am, but by then, Mark Elder, from Thurso in Caithness, had passed away.