£40k of prizes for YBW user at Excel
A free Regal 1900 just for turning up at the London Boat Show
While the rest of us bemoan the fact we didn’t win £41 million on the Euro Millions last night, YBW.com user Chris McGeachin is laughing all the way to the Med.
At midday today Chris was presented with a stunning Regal 1900 motor boat from Gibbs Marine as part of YBW’s 10th birthday present to our users – a prize pool of £40,000.
Chris will also get £1,000 worth of training courtesy of RYA Publications , and he’ll be safe at sea thanks to a £1,200 safety pack from Ocean Safety . Frankly, he’s just spoiled with an extra £5,000 of Raymarine electronics , £3,000 worth of Gill clothing as well as Gerber products .
Chris is moving to Greece and, understandably, can’t believe his luck: “The only thing I’ve ever won before is meat in a raffle at the local pub. I’m ecstatic and incredibly lucky – we were looking to get a boat but nothing as extravagent as this. It’s the perfect boat, I can’t say how great this is.”
As if we aren’t jealous enough by this stage, Chris will be able to de-stress from all this excitement with a week’s crewed charter for four in Turkey aboard a spacious and luxurious Bénéteau 50, courtesy of Venture Sailing and Altour . No wonder his friends turned up to help him celebrate the win! Congratulations Chris, we’re sure you’ll enjoy the prizes and thanks all our sponsors.