FMD: What’s off?
Please check here and tell us if you know of an event that's been affected by FMD
Following is a list, updated as shown, of all the events affected by FMD.
If you know of an event that has been, or is about to be, postponed or cancelled, please let us know using the feedback form linked below.
Many thanks.
As of 3 March 2001
Beaulieu Boat Jumble
From 8 April to 29 April (due to waterlogging, not FMD)
Sat 5 May
Thames Valley Rally
From Copas Field, Henley to Bray Marina, Bray
Sun 6 May
Northwich on Water Festival,
Trent & Mersey Canal
Sat 10 May
Boat on Show,
Beale Park, Pangborne
Friday 18 May
Scottish Islands Peaks Race,
Oban and surrounds
Sat 2 Jun
Etruria Canal Festival
Trent & Mersey Canal
Sat 30 June
Three Peaks Race
Barmouth and surrounds
If you hear of any other events that are postponed or cancelled, please click here to let us know so we can tell others.